Princess Frederica
Going the extra mile... for Princess Frederica Primary School...!
We are very pleased and proud to be “platinum sponsors” of this immensely popular primary school and will continue our sponsorship in the years to come; after all we know we are part of the best community in London and that’s something worth supporting!
mile... are proud platinum sponsors of Princess Frederica Church of England School. we are also pleased to announce the purchase of two minibuses for the students of the school.
Follow the link to see what we do.
mile... donating the TV & Wii to the children at Princess Frederica...
We proudly donated a 40" Flat screen TV and a Wii to the "Ghana Project" a unique exchange project with the Lighthouse Christian Chidlren's Home. During this project children from Princess Frederica Primary school will visit Ghana, staying at the Children's Home (LCCH) and learning about life there. They will also experience life in Ghana- eating Ghanaian food, visiting important sites and learning some of the language!
In July 2013 eight children from the LCCH will visit Princess Frederica Primary School. The children will stay with families at the school, attend lessons and experience all that London has to offer, before returning home seven days later.
We are confident that this unique project will help the spiritual growth of the whole school providing the chance for the children to truly put themselves in another person's shoes and learn about a place far away.